
In 2008, I had a brief career as a professional actor when I was cast in small recurring role in the ABC sitcom Carpoolers from Bruce McCulloch (Kids in the Hall). Did it change my life? No. Do you remember that it existed? Thanks to youtube, and the magic age in which we live, now you do.

Around the same time, during the heated election cycle of ’08, I was commissioned by the long-defunct content company 60Frames to create this would-be viral video pitting overnight nonsensation Joe the Plumber against the indomitable spirit of Joe Six-Pack. It spread less like wildfire and more like a wastebasket fire. But I’m still proud!

These next two were conceived inside the warped skull of Jim Woster, the mastermind behind the sketch group Oh, You & Your Bone Spurs, of which I was once a happy member. I miss those days. As you can see, Woster’s hung up on relationships, and he’s pretty incisive about what makes them horrible…

…and sometimes kind of wonderful.

This next nightmarish abomination started life as a mad rant I came up with under the influence years ago in San Francisco. I used to perform it at open mics to very perturbed reactions, and later as part of another sketch outfit, White Noise Radio Theatre. Rodney Ascher, the repurposeful supergenius behind such horror-tinged documentaries as Room 237 and The Nightmare is responsible for the psychographics.

One of the best things I ever wrote, produced and performed with White Noise did not translate as successfully to video as I might have hoped, mostly due to budgetary concerns, but it was good enough to get me an audition to be a correspondent on the Daily Show (again, those heady days of 2008). Director Mickey Berlinksy made a valiant attempt, and has gone on to create some terrific music videos for his wife’s awesome punk band, No Small Children.


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