
This arrived in the mail last night, just in time for All Hallow’s Eve, Dia de los Muertos and, I dunno, Shlocktober, I guess. Anyway, I’m pretty damned thrilled to be a part of this beautifully packaged anthology of stories meant to tingle yer sphincter, shock yer socks off and give you the fear-shits. Volume 2 in the Matt Lewis’ and Keith McCleary’s States of Terror series features tall tales and cruci-fictions about the ghouls, ghosts and cryptozoological monstrosities rumored to haunt these fifty United States (plus Alaska and Hawaii, I’d imagine–I haven’t read ’em all yet!). My contribution is a lurid, seriocomic tale of a land developer who runs afoul of Florida’s most famous Everglades dweller (not counting the guys on Swamp Pawn or whatever), the infamous, and notoriously stinky, Skunk Ape.

There’s many more stories covering everything from Bigfoot to Batsquatch, plus some truly gorgeous and occasionally gory illustrations. This volume goes on sale at Amazon and other fine retailers on Friday October 30th, and you can bet yer ass I’ll repost all the pertinent info then. But I just couldn’t wait to share.

The first volume is available in such places NOW. Please to enjoy.